Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Life is beautiful

Every one of us might have come across few tough situations in our life not knowing how to react to come out in a better way. I was there, felt confused, and took a bold step to come out with flying colors.

It was a Friday evening, I felt some different moves and pain in my abdomen. I was waiting to confirm whether its a labor pain. The pain was continuous and I got admitted in the hospital around 11 PM on 12-Feb-2010. I didn't suffer much in pain for hours together. I delivered my Prince (boy baby) on Saturday (13-Feb-2010) at 7:16am. It was a magical miracle with mixed emotions of joy and pain at the same time.
But after I delivered the baby, doctors were discussing for a while and the doctor came to me stating that I had some issue at the time of delivery. I was shocked to see the nurse preparing trips stand nearby and making more arrangements after the delivery was over.

With the fear in my heart, I looked at the doctor and asked slowly. "Is there anything wrong?"

She nodded her head and said that while my baby came out I had a full perinal tear till the motion passage, so they need to stitch them completely and I have to be only on trips for the next 2 days without taking any food. Though it was bit painful, I was happy because my little boy was doing good. I asked the doctor to go ahead with the treatment and everything was back to normal within 5 days.

At the time of discharge, doctor came to my room and asked me, "Do you have any plan for second child. I said yes doctor.

She thought for a while and said, " Better don't plan for another child because chances are high for the same issue to occur at the time of next delivery. If it happens you may not be able to control your motion and you will face very difficult situation throughout your life. If you are really interested in second baby, then plan after 3 years and opt for caesarian".

I smiled and came back home happily with my little prince.

I shared everything the doctor said with my hubby and we decided and planned for second child after 3 years and went to hospital for pregnancy checkup. Our doctor greeted us and appreciated for our bold decision. But she said that she will allow only caesarian for this delivery. Months went on and we went for 8th month check up and I informed the doctor that I would like to opt for normal delivery.

She was shocked to hear my decision but I told her that I have a positive mind and I believe that I won't face the same issue. I am confident this time by God's grace only goodness will follow me. So I am not interested to go for surgery.

Doctor double confirmed about my decision and told me that if i get labor pain before the due date then she will allow me for normal delivery if not I have to go for caesarian.

I got labor pain on 18-Jan-2014 before my due date and got admitted at 12 pm and by the Almighty's grace and blessing I delivered my little angel and it was a PERFECT NORMAL DELIVERY and the doctor was surprised but she felt happy for me.

She appreciated my Boldness, Courage and wished me a new start for a happy life

When I see the happiness in my son's face while playing with her little sister, I feel proud of myself for taking such a bold decision to have a second child.

Never hesitate to take a BOLD move with an Optimistic mind to get the real values in your life which makes your life more MEANINGFUL.

Be Bold, Be Good and Do Good, surely you will see the Goodness of the Almighty in every phase of your life with a happy new start.

Wish you all a happy new start in your life.
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Happy Parenting,
Priya Arun

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