Sunday, 14 June 2015

Jillunu Oru Naal

This post has been published by me as a part of Blog-a-Ton 55; the fifty-fifth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with ​Rashmi Kumar, the author of Hooked, Lined and Single and Jyoti Arora, the author of Lemon Girl.

It was a Saturday evening. My friend and I planned to study Biology as the public examinations were approaching faster than we expected. We went to the terrace with our +2 Biology book. The time was four when we started reading the first paragraph, after which we spoke about our school stories, and time flew away.

The first chilled breeze of the monsoon nipped my face, and the clouds turned dark. We exclaimed in one voice, Hey, it’s going to rain. The first raindrop fell on us, it excited us within, and made us wait for the next few. And that’s it, we kept our books safe, and got ready to enjoy that lovely cool rainy evening. Our excited hearts were filled with joy, eyes were filled with happiness.

And it started to drizzle. We chased each other in the rain, sang a Tamil Song (oh oh megam vandhadhae), and we danced in the rain, as if we are the Angels sent by God to dance in that rain. The rain kissed us, patted us, and composed music for our song. We had great fun.

Once the rain stopped, we wished for the rainbow. Might be, God heard us, and our wish came true. It was the best moment of the day, and we lived the moment happily. Whereas these days, everyone clicks photographs, the moment they experience something new.

When we came down for tea, my mom gave us boiled peanuts. Peanuts and rain, my favourite combo, on any day. We all sat that day and ate until our stomach hurt. We had our share of fun, when we teased my brother, and even stole his peanuts.

Those days are the blessed days of our life. Now, we all are living in different places. In fact, different countries, with families. Whenever it used to rain, I see this picture (the one my uncle clicked when we all were small), recall those sweet memories, and smile all alone.

We can never forget those moments in life. In fact, I was laughing alone, while writing this post for Blog-a-Ton, and my hubby asked me the reason for my laugh, I narrated the entire story, and it made our day. Jillunu Oru Naal

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 1. Image Credits: Monsoon by Yann (Wikimedia Commons). Shared with GNU Free Documentation License CC Attribution-Share Alike.


  1. Heyy Priya,
    Such a sweet post here. You made me go down memory lane too. Peanuts and rain are the best combination from my childhood too.
    And I loved teh way you write that the rain composed music for your romantic song!

    Ive come back to participate at BAT after ages and its nice to discover new bloggers.
    Please do visit my blog too and tell me what you think of my story?
    Wish you all the very best for BAT55..:)

    1. Thanks for your wishes Vibhuti.
      Sure will read your story...

  2. Memories! They make us nostalgic.. Nice sweet post :)

    My Entry - The garlic soup

  3. Memories are always beautiful! Wonderful post! Keep writing for BAT!

    Someone is Special

  4. today's children missed that privileges of rain dancing , nice post

    My Blogaton55 post The Monsoon Pain

  5. Peanuts and rain do make for a wonderful combination :) Here, it was roasted corn :D Lovely trip down memory lane.

    1. Memories are always beautiful.
      Thanks Vinay

  6. So sweet, Priya. It reminds me of my childhood days when I and my siblings used to make paper boats in the rain. Sitting on the verandah for hours to see the heavy rain. Now we meet once in a year. Places have changed, time has changed but the memories are still so alive and vivid. I wish to relive those days. You made me nostalgic. It's definitely a lovely post. All the best for BAT 55. :)

    Read my BAT entry and share your words at:
    When it rains outside, tears pour within... :)

    1. Thanks Namrata for such a lively feedback.
      Sure will read.

  7. Such an enticing post :)
    Rains always have memories attached.

  8. Hi Priya,

    Visiting you from Blogaton.

    This is such a beautiful post, your words make me visualise you-the author. . Like a teenager.

    I agree now we click pictures, we don't lift or faces to face the sky. .spread our arms to meet the rain.

    1. Yes Megha.. missing those lovable days

  9. Sis you wrote a very sweet post. I had been there, so I know what exactly you told. All the best for Blog-a-Ton!


  10. Very genuine post, sad but true that we live different lives as we grow up. All the best for BAT55

  11. Very nice little story, you are right about the photo part, I myself am to be blamed being a photography enthusiast and all. :)

    All the Best for BAT.

    Vikas Khair - Memories
